School Fundraiser Agreement

As schools struggle to make ends meet, fundraisers have become an increasingly common way to raise money for extracurricular activities, supplies, and other necessities. However, hosting a successful fundraiser takes more than just enthusiasm and a good cause. It requires careful planning and a solid agreement between all parties involved.

A school fundraiser agreement is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of a fundraiser. It covers everything from the fundraising goal to the responsibilities of each party involved. The agreement should be detailed enough to prevent any misunderstandings and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

When creating a school fundraiser agreement, there are a few key elements that must be included:

1. Fundraising goal: The agreement should clearly state the fundraising goal, including how much money needs to be raised, and how it will be used.

2. Responsibilities: Each party involved in the fundraiser should have clearly defined responsibilities. This includes the school, the fundraising company (if applicable), and any volunteers. For example, the school may be responsible for promoting the fundraiser, while the fundraising company is responsible for providing the products.

3. Timeline: The agreement should outline the timeline for the fundraiser, including when it will start, how long it will run, and when the money will be collected.

4. Payment terms: If the fundraiser involves selling products, the agreement should specify how much each product costs, who is responsible for collecting the money, and when the money is due.

5. Marketing: The agreement should outline the marketing strategy for the fundraiser, including how it will be promoted and who is responsible for advertising.

6. Contingency plan: Finally, the agreement should include a contingency plan in case the fundraiser does not go as planned. This could include a backup plan for raising money or a plan for refunding any money collected.

A well-written school fundraiser agreement can make all the difference in the success of a fundraiser. It ensures that everyone involved knows their role and responsibilities, and that there are no misunderstandings or disagreements. By taking the time to create a solid agreement from the outset, schools can maximize their fundraising efforts and provide their students with the resources they need to succeed.